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Where do we stand in comparison to the industry competitors? Come join our platform and be a Rebel.

Average cost of
same-day proposals:

$25/Per Same-Day Proposal
$500/Day for 20 Proposals
$150,000/Year for 6000 Proposals

Cost for Revision

Cost for Same-Day

Proposal Build Time

Price for 5000 Proposals

Competitor 1



Under 24 hours







SunRebel cost of
same-day proposals:


Frequently asked questions

Free? What's the catch?

Fortunately for you there is no catch. We know that free
can be hard to wrap your head around when you're
used to spending thousands on proposals every month. Let's disrupt the industry together. SunRebel is monetized through strategic partnerships with lenders and other platforms that improve and enhance the user experience, all while keeping it at no cost for our users.

How do I get access to SunRebel?

Fill out the form above and we will get you started! You will be sent a link and access code soon after and can jump in and get going.

Who builds my proposals?

YOU! SunRebel is a free tool with no limit to the number of seats for your organization or access to build proposals. SunRebel has pro-builders that you can utilize depending on the needs of your organization.

How do revisions work?

If you have an existing proposal and it needs to be modified, anyone in your organization with build access can jump in and make those changes. Reps can also submit a rebuild request for your proposal builders.